Create or continue to build your vision of success. The items listed below are only a brief list of services I offer.
Band Clinician: Concert Band & Marching Band
Push yourself, your staff, and your students to the next level with director coaching & clinics. Some areas to address include but are not limited to the following.
Level of Pedagogy: Grade Levels 6 - 12
Full band rehearsals
Split rehearsals (woodwind or brass)
Beginner, intermediate, or advanced ensemble concepts customized to your program and projected level of achievement.
Resolve a wide variety of ensemble issues
Balance / blend
Timing / rhythm
Maximizing melodic and harmonic clarity
Solo or ensemble phrasing
Chord structure
Plus many more!
Consulting: J.H. and H.S.
Let's meet behind the scenes. There are numerous ways to streamline processes and increase efficiency for greater success of your organization. A few examples might include the following.
Marketing & Building your program
Clearly defining systems & processes to increase staff efficiency
Staff communication and planning
Parent communication
Administration issues
Office time management
Rehearsal strategies
Rehearsal time management
Vertical Alignment
Junior High / High School instrument planning
Stress management
Delegation of tasks
Program handbooks (band handbook)
Booster clubs
Motivating your group
Public speaking
Teaching strategies - All directors, not just the head director
Spring Trip Consultant
Student Leadership Training (through the PBSL-USA platform)
Staff Development at the campus level or district level (Superior Performances platform)
..and much more!
Marching Band Program Consulting
After judging and helping others several years, I have the ability to identify potential liabilities in your marching show that could be avoided in the design phase, rehearsal phase, and performance phase. Let's work together to help set your program up for success before music or drill is even handed out. I can also help enhance certain aspects of your show once it is taught and is performed. All of this reduces band director and student frustration and helps to fully maximize the concept of the show and the overall experience for all performances.
**Tip to Consider: Marching Season success begins with Concert Season success! 95% of directors wait until the marching season to start implementing new ideas and concepts. Be in the top 5% of programs and let's start early on your path to marching band success during concert season! Click "Get Started" below.
The following is included in my package price.
General show consulting, pre planning, and strategy sessions (TMEA, campus, phone call, etc).
Unlimited scheduled phone conferences during planning phase and competitive season.
Bi-monthly video performance reviews in writing for suggested show edits (music, drill, staging, aesthetics, etc).
One full day (up to 8 hours) of clinics and consulting on your campus during classes and after school.
During "off periods", I am happy to help with anything listed in the Consulting section above!
Judge Commentary Review (so you fully understand what judges are commenting on to improve your show). This is also to help you prioritize what changes to make after each contest to meet your goals.
Region Band Clinician
If you are looking for a knowledgeable clinician that will provide your students with rehearsal strategies and techniques, while inspiring them to maximize their love of music, I am happy to serve!
Students and directors that have benefited from my services include the following.
TMEA Region 9, Region Band Clinician & Conductor
TMEA Region 10, Region Band Clinician & Conductor
TMEA Region 13, Region Band Clinician & Conductor
TMEA ATSSB Region 27, Region Band Clinician & Conductor
Student Leadership Workshops
Contact me to learn more!
Staff Development
Contact me to learn more!